The Stories of How We Helped People Vote
The 2018 Midterm Election had the highest turnout in 50 years & we feel so privileged to have played a role in that!

The response to the Ballot Tool was far, far beyond our expectations
Above is a slideshow of the unreal and humbling feedback we received from people telling us how The Burg helped them vote. Many of them shared it on their own with their friends, family, and the Los Angeles community. People loved it so much that through word of mouth our userbase nearly doubled in 48 hours and we had people trying to sign up from all over the country, even Brazil.
Countless people told us this helped them vote and we were captivated by their stores, so we thought we’d spotlight a few
1. Age is just a number
Although she’s too young to vote, she used The Burg to help her parents, friends, and coworkers get to the polls. Age couldn’t stop her from getting involved. Unbelievably inspiring.
2. A teacher prepared her students to vote with The Burg
Not only did this teacher love using The Burg as her sample ballot, but she shared the app with her students to help them vote for the very first time. We’re honored to play a role in ushering in a brand new group of voters
3. Turning nonvoters into voters
Politics in general has become so ‘in-your-face’ and overwhelming. That is a massive deterrant, especially for young people, to actually vote. These may be the messages we’re most proud of: lowering the barriers and getting people who would probably not have voted informed & to the polls. Our tool was specifically built to handle stories like this, and we’re thrilled it did it’s job.
The stories are everything, and we are humbled that we helped so many. It was beautiful to get a sign that we did something really useful and that our hunch was right:
People don’t want to be told how to vote. They just want it to be easier & we CAN make that happen.
how do we keep people engaged beyond elections and voting? That’s an age old question. This is what we built The Burg for, and we have so many exciting things in the works to prove to you that politics is much more than voting. Not only that, but we can make it fascinating & lower the barriers to entry. More on that soon