The Burg

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PRESS RELEASE: Digital Town Hall with Mayor Robert Garcia


Long Beach, CA: The Burg will be hosting an Digital Town Hall through the app with Mayor Robert Garcia this week. Burg users will be able to submit questions directly to Mayor Garcia who will begin responding and engaging his constituents on Oct 19th at 2 pm. Burg users can ask the Mayor whatever interests them, from politics and city issues, to recommendations for the best tacos. The Burg community will have the ability to upvote and downvote the best questions. Once the Town Hall is live, Mayor Garcia will engage with users in the app via threaded public comments, giving the City of Long Beach and the residents a better way to talk to each other. This Burg Town Hall drastically reduces friction between Mayor Garcia and his constituents. The Mayor will not be answering questions pertaining to the upcoming City of Long Beach Ballot Measures (AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, and WW).

About The Burg

The Burg is the front page of your city. It is absurdly difficult and incredibly boring to learn about our cities, let alone vote. The Burg solves this problem by building a frictionless space for voters, representatives, and local news to thrive. When a user signs up for the app, their voter status is verified and immediately presents them the front page of their city: a feed filled with their neighbors, local information (news, journalism, events, ballot info), representatives & community orgs. Reps and orgs can sign up and connect & interact with their constituents in a brand new way. The Burg is redefining what it’s like to live in and learn about your city.

The Burg won a grant in March 2018 through the Long Beach Community Foundation Knight Donor Advised Fund, and launched the app in April 2018. The Burg is available exclusively in LA County.


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